Saturday, September 20, 2008

Practice, Practice, Practice

Just when I thought I had mastered the complicated stitch and was feeling pretty proud of myself for making good progress, I lost 2 stitches and had to undo most of the progress. I have recovered but unless I want perfection I will have at least one small blemish in this sweater. I decided to move forward instead of starting over and when I had another few rows done the correction had disappeared. I am now near the halfway point on the back of the sweater. Feeling confident again. Seems the more of these rows I complete the easier it gets. (She says, stating the obvious)


sharonwue said...

As you may know, I NEVER rip. Well, hardly ever. Sometimes less than once per projct. this week it was three times (YES, 3) and all three times it was from nearly completed back to cast on. For a Mitten, for god's sake. Thank God that's over.

Russell Sprout said...

Hey Aunt Bananas, I have inspired Sharonwue to start the couch to 5K program. Do I see the Ukrops 10K in your future? I think I do...
Brooklyn Jogger