Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Stopping by...

When I was a kid we dropped by my grandmothers house every day or so. It was not a scheduled trip, no need to call ahead. We got in the car, or on our bikes in the summer, and headed to town. Grandma's house was the central gathering place. The dining room table was the "hang out". Everyone popped in throughout the day and gave their updates. From golf games to work schedules you were caught up on family activities and there was always coffee and a meal available.

The times they have changed and now there is no dropping by grandma's house to catch up. Most of the family spans the continental United States. There are planned visits for holidays and vacations. All of which are scheduled with plenty of calling ahead. I find myself longing for the days when everyone gathered randomly and provided updates frequently enough that they were a part of your active life. You felt connected even if just to be given the details about everyday tasks.

I recently received an invite for Google+ from my BIL. One of the features of this service is called "Hangouts". I emailed family and friends with my excitement and asked that they join as well so we could give it a try. I was rewarded when my better half and mother both connected and joined a Hangout. It still lacked the impromptu nature of the popping in and there was no coffee or meal, but thats okay.

Until the home Star Trek transporter arrives, this as close as I can get to dropping by to catch up.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Just as consciousness brought me out of my sleep this morning I had one of those time travel moments. I was back in my childhood bedroom on a cold winter morning. If I lift my head out from under the covers and exhale, I can see my breath. It was a fond remembrance. There was nothing recognizably special about these moments just the cozy warmth of six blankets holding me down and the apprehension of leaving the comfort to start the day. Then it was gone and I was back.